author image by Falc | 0 Comments | March 16, 2021

most traded commodity in the world

A futures contract allows traders to offset the risk of an asset changing in price over time, and may offer more stability on the ever-moving market. Gold is widely considered to be a ‘safe-haven’ asset, as it tends to hold its value or rise in times of economic and political uncertainty. For this reason, many traders move money into gold when the dollar is falling, so gold’s price often has an inverse relationship with the value of the dollar. Commodities are the basic building blocks of the global economy, upon which most other goods are created. ‘Hard’ commodities are natural resources that must be mined or extracted.

  • It remains the investment of choice in times of uncertainty, such as wars and hedge against inflation.
  • A Spot contract is an agreement where delivery and payment either takes place immediately, or with a short lag.
  • However, as an alloy, its price is dependent on the cost of its constituent products and the costs of shipping them.
  • Physical trading normally involves a visual inspection and is carried out in physical markets such as a farmers market.
  • The largest coffee producing countries are Brazil, Viet Nam and Colombia, while the European Union and the United States of America are the largest consuming and importing markets globally.
  • No wonder that this commodity is many a time referred as ‘black gold’.

Commodities are commercial products that can be found from natural sources, such as extracted from the ground, or created through farming and agriculture. IG International Limited is licensed to conduct investment business and digital asset business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority. Actually Warren Buffett failed to beat the S&P 500 Index in 1958, returned only 40.9% and pocketed 8.7 percentage of it as “fees”. His investors didn’t mind that he underperformed the market in 1958 because he beat the market by a large margin in 1957. That year Buffett’s hedge fund returned 10.4% and Buffett took only 1.1 percentage points of that as “fees”. S&P 500 Index lost 10.8% in 1957, so Buffett’s investors actually thrilled to beat the market by 20.1 percentage points in 1957.

In recent months, prices have also been heavily influenced by Trump’s trade war with China, which has seen the president impose tariffs on non-US steel. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude – referred to as US crudeon IG’s platform – is the second type of crude oil on our list. It is another high-quality ‘sweet light’ oil, which has an even lower sulphur content and density than Brent crude. WTI oil is drilled in various US states – including Texas, Louisiana and North Dakota – and sent to Cushing, Oklahoma for price settlement. Corn / maize, with a trade value in excess of $28bn, was the seventh-most traded food commodity in the world. Global corn exports reached 110 million tonnes in 2013, while the annual average price was estimated at $259.4 per tonne.


Fitch Solutions on 7 July forecast WTI to average $102/bbl this year, up from $68/bbl in 2021. In July 2022, 1,443,289 Cocoa Futures Contracts were traded on the ICE. In 2022 the Singapore Exchange traded 12,476,340 Iron Ore Futures Contracts, which is a massive 1,247.7 million tons.

Global soybean output during the year was 280 million tonnes, mostly produced by the US followed by Brazil and Argentina. Approximately 240 million tonnes of soybeans were crushed worldwide during the year. World fish production in 2013 exceeded 160 million tonnes, comprising more than 90 million tonnes of capture fisheries and about 70 million tonnes of aquaculture fisheries. Global fish production is dominated by developing countries such as China, which alone accounts for more than 30% of the total fish output, while Norway leads farm salmon production. In the world of commodities trading and investing, macroeconomic forces also play a role in liquidity. This entry provides a listing of the highest-valued exported commodities.

Crude palm oil is a versatile vegetable oil used in cooking, cosmetics, and biofuel production. Its trade is affected by factors like weather conditions, government policies, and demand from emerging economies. Natural gas is a crucial energy resource used for heating, electricity generation, and industrial processes. Its trade is influenced by supply and demand dynamics, weather patterns, and geopolitical events.

However, WTI price has been catching up with Brent this year on the prospect of rising demand for US crude amid potential reduction on Russian oil due to the sanctions. Entering the second quarter of the year, macroeconomic headwinds blew bearish sentiment as the impact of sky-high commodities prices started to take a toll. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) kicked off its tight monetary policy with aggressive rate hikes to bring down the inflation rate that hit four-decade high due high petroleum prices. In 2022, 39,350,157 Futures and Options contracts of Soybean were traded on the CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade). A lot of traders forget or overlook agricultural commodities as trading instruments. Soft commodities like Coffee and Cocoa are among the most traded and consumed goods in the world.

most traded commodity in the world

During economic uncertainty, demand for gold or gold-related investments can increase as a means for investors to protect their wealth. It is therefore critical that you conduct a thorough analysis before deciding to trade commodities. EIA estimated the Henry Hub spot price to average $8.69 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) in the third quarter, up from an average of $8.13/MMBtu in May. The prices are rising due to low inventories, steady demand for US LNG exports, and high demand from the utilities. The list of most traded products and goods could be based on the number of contracts traded on major Futures and Options exchanges.

Commodities can be traded in various ways, including futures contracts or contracts for difference (CFDs). A futures contract is facilitated through a futures exchange, and put simply, is a legal agreement to buy or sell an asset on a specific date or during a set month. For example, to buy or sell an exact amount of oil for a set price, on a set date.

They also play an important part in determining the prices of other financial markets, because they are generally used during the manufacturing process. Silver

is the second precious metal on our list, and is another element that has been highly sought after for thousands of years. Goldis a precious metal that has been highly sought after for millennia, due to its metallic yellow colour and sheen. Nowadays it is primarily used for jewellery production and as an asset for investment. However, a small amount is also used in industry as it is highly resistant to most chemical reactions and conducts electricity.

China is the biggest importer of soybeans, followed by the EU and Mexico. Brazil is the biggest soybean exporter followed by the US and Argentina. Brazilian soybean exports during the year exceeded 42 million genomics stocks tonnes. Rubber trades on the Singapore Commodity Exchange in units of 1 kg priced in U.S. cents. Palm oil is traded on the Malaysian Ringgit (RM), Bursa Malaysia in units of 1 kg priced in U.S. cents.

West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil

Aluminiumis another important base metal, one that is exceptionally light and corrosion resistant. It is often combined with other elements – such as copper, zinc and magnesium – to form alloys that are both strong and light. For these reasons, aluminium, and alloys containing it, are useful for commercial applications including the manufacture of vehicles and planes, packaging (eg cans) and construction. The majority of aluminium is produced in China, followed by Russia, Canada and India. It is a food source that is used primarily to produce animal feed, ethanol, corn syrup and starch. There are several varieties of corn – the main ones being dent, flint, pod, popcorn, flour and sweet corns.

Global steel production in 2018 was 1,803 billion tonnes, and more than 530 million Futures Contracts of Steel Rebar were traded on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. In contrast, there were just 458,999 Steel Futures and Options Contracts traded on the London Metal Exchange in 2019. There is no shortage of financial instruments on offer for investors and speculators to trade. Almost anything that can be, has been turned into a security or a derivative and made tradable in one way or another. Brazil exported more than 1.8 million tonnes of beef in 2013, making it the biggest beef exporter followed by India and Australia. The US States and Russia imported more than one million tonnes per year each making them the world’s biggest beef importers.

most traded commodity in the world

Primary commodity price indices from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) show that a weighted index of primary commodities is up by 35% right now than its readings in 2019. Since then, prices have soared and dropped multiple times, particularly during 2022 as the world roiled from the Ukraine war’s impact on commodity prices. By 2022 end, the IMF’s index had risen to ten year high of 215.9, an appreciation that came rapidly after the five year low of 105.9 in 2020. Natural gas, being the principal source of energy for day to day activities, finds a significant place in commodity exchange. Global palm oil output during 2013 was approximately 58.3 million tonnes, while the gross consumption was estimated at 56.4 million tonnes.


According to him, these underrated problems include shortages in materials and manpower, global warming, and inequality throughout the world. Corn being the most versatile crop that can be grown in diversified climatic conditions is often referred as ‘yellow gold’. The versatility of this crop is the major reason for which it is the most cultivated crop in the world. In July 2020, 1,443,289 Cocoa Futures Contracts were traded on the ICE. In 2019 the Singapore Exchange traded 12,476,340 Iron Ore Futures Contracts, which is a massive 1,247.7 million tons. Coffee production is concentrated in countries with relatively low-income levels and accounts for a sizeable share of their export earnings.

  • COMEX holds the record for the most traded copper Options contracts in a single day.
  • Accepts no responsibility for any use that may be made of these comments and for any consequences that result.
  • In addition, remember that there are many factors that influence the rise and the fall of commodities prices.

China is also the biggest exporter of fish, followed by India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are among the world’s biggest shrimp exporters. Gold has been a store of value for centuries and is traded extensively for investment and jewelry purposes. Its price is influenced by factors like inflation, geopolitical events, and currency fluctuations. Natural gas is traded through NYMEX in units of 10,000 million BTU with the trading symbol of NG.

Skyrocketing fertiliser prices for example are a deadly blow to these women with prices tripling in some cases. This year, there’s no hope for these vulnerable women and hunger is a sure fact next year. This year could likely be a volatile one for commodities with myriads of factors, including macroeconomic headwinds and geopolitical tensions, pulling assets to different directions. The rising demand from Europe has also increased competition for super-chilled liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes to Asia. The Japan-Korean Marker (JKM) – the LNG benchmark price for spot cargoes into the region assessed by Platts, has gained around 27% this year.

Commodity markets are popular with traders because prices can be very volatile, meaning there are often opportunities to profit by going long or short. Factors that can affect pricing include consumer trends, weather patterns, infrastructure, government policies, economic performance, reserve levels and currency valuations, among others. Silveris the second precious metal on our list, and is another element that has been highly sought after for thousands of years.

The article uncovers the list of top 10 commodities in the world that will assist you to be the king of commodity market. Brent Crude is extracted from the North Sea and accounts for two-thirds of global oil pricing. Like the other crude oil benchmark WTI, Brent Crude is mainly refined into diesel fuel and gasoline. Soybeans are a key source of protein and oil in livestock feed and food products.

Industrial Metals

The exchanges have a clearinghouse, which validates and finalizes the transactions. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission regulates exchanges, buyers and sellers. When selecting commodity markets to trade, a number of metrics can assist us in making the best choices.

Crude Palm Oil

Wheat is a staple food crop and a vital ingredient in bakery products. Its trade is influenced by factors like weather, global consumption patterns, and government policies. Financial futures are designed as commodities as they are under the regulatory umbrella of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The E-mini S&P 500 and Eurodollar markets are among the highest-volume futures markets. US crude West Texas Intermediate (WTI) price is typically less expensive than international benchmark Brent crude oil.

The most traded commodities for decades have been firmly established as the biggest markets, most liquid and commonly traded worldwide. The significance of these most traded goods has even influenced the top 5 most traded currencies in the world. For the commodities exchange market to function, all producers must work to the same standard.

From pasta and noodles to bread, cakes and sweets wheat is used in many types of food items. As per the Oxford dictionary, a commodity can be defined as a useful or valuable thing (especially a raw material or primarily agricultural product) that can be bought and sold. In other words, a commodity can be defined as a basic product that is used in trade and commerce, as inputs in the production of secondary or tertiary goods and services.

Brazil, followed by the EU and China, was the world’s biggest beef consumer. Indonesia, exporting more than 20 million tonnes annually, was the biggest palm oil exporter, while India was the biggest importer of palm oil followed by China and the EU. India’s palm oil imports during 2013 are estimated at nine million tonnes. Exchanges allow for commodities to be bought and sold with standard contracts that include a price and future delivery date.

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